Rights & Responsibilities


This is a summary of Rights for members and participants in Bridgeview Company programs. You have the right to:

  • Respect, dignity and courteous treatment from all Bridgeview Company staff.
  • Have personally identifiable health information shared by Health Management programs only in accordance with state and federal law; and to understand procedures used by Bridgeview Company which help ensure privacy and confidentiality.
  • Any and all information regarding your health status, and health conditions you may have.
  • Information regarding the philosophy, evidence, and characteristics of our programs.
  • Information about treatments, your treatment choices, and how they will help or harm you.
  • Request a change in the person providing health management services to you.
  • Decline participation, revoke consent, or disenroll at any time from our programs and services simply by contacting Bridgeview Company and indicating your desire to disenroll or revoke consent.
  • File a complaint with Bridgeview Company, and receive instructions on how to use the complaint process.
  • Information about Bridgeview Company, and Bridgeview Company programs and services, including information about our staff and their qualifications, changes the wellness program; and you have the right to speak with the leadership of our programs.
  • Information regarding any contractual relationships we have with other agencies related to your care.
  • Information that is understandable.


This is a summary of Responsibilities for members and participants in Bridgeview Company programs. You have the responsibility:

  • To keep appointments with your Care Navigator, or give early notice if you need to cancel.
  • To follow the care support instructions provided by Bridgeview Company staff.
  • To participate in understanding any health issues and developing  your treatment goals.
  • To provide accurate clinical and contact information to your Care Navigators and care providers, and to notify Bridgeview Company of any changes in this information.
  • To inform your primary or treating medical provider of your participation in this wellness program.
  • To complete and submit any and all forms, assessments, and surveys that are necessary to participate in the program, to the extent required by law.
  • To practice preventive health care – get appropriate tests, exams and shots based on your age and gender.
  • To notify Bridgeview Company if you would like to disenroll from any of the programs or services we provide.